
Why Arctic Fatbiking is not for everyone!

Some people believe the winters in Jokkmokk is long and cold - well, they are right!
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Some people believe the winters in Jokkmokk is harsh, long, and cold.
They are entirely right about that! But harsh, long and cold winters make warm and friendly people. And the best opportunities for arctic fat biking in the world! How could I say that?

Well, we have to thank the gulf stream! Without this warm ocean stream, the winter would get even colder. Now the temperatures drop just to -30°C, or sometimes down to -40°C – that is what I call bike-friendly temperatures!

Fatbiking on dogsled tracks on New Years Eve

When other people sit inside their homes playing with Zwift, we get out with our fatbikes, exploring snow-mobile and dog sled tracks. The days are short, but the moon, the stars, and sometimes the northern light illuminates the landscape.

Fatbiking north of the arctic circle is a truly mindblowing experience. It’s more of an adventure, a challenge between you and the elements, than a traditional bike ride.

Fatbiking on dog-sled tracks under the stars. Just -31°C

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